
How Long Can Dental Crowns Last?

By Lakeshore Dental Studio

Dental crowns are the safest option if your teeth have been significantly damaged. Your original teeth will be protected by the crowns, which will also provide significant support to the surrounding bone structure. Teeth will not shift as a result of this, and the teeth around them will have a solid foundation. Our dentists at Lakeshore Dental Studio have provided all the information about the lifespan of dental crowns in this blog.

What Are Dental Crowns?

The size, form, strength, and appearance of a tooth are all replaced with a crown, which is a tooth-shaped “cap.” Once in place, crowns conceal the visible area of a tooth. Your Chicago dentist will make these crowns for you out of dental-grade materials. Make an appointment with our dentists in Chicago and get your dental crowns today.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

A dental crown resembles a natural tooth but, like a dental cap, has a hollow center and must be worn over the injured tooth. It protects the damaged tooth and can survive for many years if properly cared for. A dental crown has a lifespan of 5 to 15 years on average. The durability of your porcelain crown is affected by your lifestyle and dental care habits, as well as your oral hygiene practices and the amount of wear and tear the dental crown can withstand.

  • Continuous wear and tear can weaken and break dental crowns, but some lifestyle habits might speed up the decay. To protect the longevity of your dental crown, avoid activities such as clenching or grinding your teeth, opening packages with your teeth, biting your fingernails, and chewing on hard objects such as ice, nuts, and so on. These unhealthy habits put an excessive amount of stress on porcelain crowns, reducing their longevity.
  • If properly cared for, dental crowns can last 25 to 30 years or longer. Keep in mind that the tooth below must be kept healthy and strong as well. Otherwise, the tooth behind the crown may rot again, and your Chicago dentist may be compelled to remove the crown to perform further procedures.
  • Avoid biting your nails or chewing on hard items such as hard sweets or ice. Your natural teeth, as well as your dental crowns, would be destroyed.
  • Brushing and flossing your teeth at least once a day is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene. During brushing, pay careful attention to the areas around the dental crowns, especially the gumline. Food particles and plaque will be unable to penetrate beneath the dental crown, thus preventing dental damage.
  • Avoid clenching or grinding your teeth. Your crowns will crack or chip if you don’t take care of them. A custom-made mouthguard is essential if you suffer from bruxism. This will benefit both your crowns and natural teeth.
  • Visit your dentist in Chicago for regular dental cleanings and checkups. During these visits, your dentist will check for signs of a cavity, gaps between your dental crowns, or damage in your crowns.

We hope this information has helped you to make better decisions regarding your dental crowns. Book an appointment with us at Lakeshore Dental Studio if you are looking for dental crowns in Chicago, IL.

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